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Selectmen's Minutes - March 14, 1995
              Selectmen's Meeting - March 14, 1995

Selectmen Attending: Judith Murdoch, Acting Chair; Charles Flynn,
Peter Jones and Catherine Kuchinski, Clerk. Also attending:
Joseph Nugent, Executive Secretary to Board of Selectmen. Joseph
Frisoli arrive late.

I. Opening: Acting Chair Judith Murdoch called meeting to order
at 7:10pm noting that the warrant and bills would be signed this
evening.  Murdoch read the excerpt entitled "Theodore Lyman
Bonney" from Elsie Calder's Looking Back in honor of the 175th.

II. MBTA Assessment / Wilbur Danner: Danner had a difficult time
reaching MBTA's Christine Corocoran to discuss the assessment
issue.  Danner has been assured the MBTA does not decide on
assessments - it is the purview of the legislature to place an
assessment on towns for the MBTA service.  Motion 3/14/95.1: move
that the Board and the Town's T representative (Danner) send
letters indicating the Town's "NO to Assessment Stance" to
Marini, Murray and the Chair of the Ways and Means Committee and
also Rep Mike Sullivan who seats on the Committee.  Motion by
Kuchinski with second by Jones.  Motion carried 4-0.  

III. Board of Health re the Trash Station Override Question: John
Dias and Gilbert Amado reviewed the proposed warrant and ballot
information noting the preference is for a $200,000 override
which would add .455 cents to the current tax rate.  For a house
assessed at $150,000, the cost would be approximately $60.00 for
the year.  The $200,000 includes all transfer station costs.
Motion 3/14/95.2: move that the Board of Selectmen support the
Board of Health override for $200,000 to be earmarked for the
transfer station operation as discussed tonight.  Motion by
Kuchinski with second by Jones.  Motion carried 4-0.   It was
noted that monies in the future budgets would be likewise used
for the running of the transfer station.

IV. Resignation - Conservation Commission: Motion 3/14/95.3: move
to accept resignation of Michael Richardson from the Conservation
Commission with regret and forward a letter to him stating the
same.  Motion by Flynn with second by Jones.  Motion carried 5-0.
Nugent noted that Mary Pulieo had submitted her application for
appointment after discussing this upcoming resignation with the
Conservation Commission.  Kuchinski requested that no action be
taken on any application received for appointment until Board's
next meeting so that the general public could be notified that an
opening existed.  

V. Reappointment - Veteran Services:  Motion 3/14/95.4: move to
reappoint Robert Arsenault to a term expiring March 31, 1996 as
the Town's Veterans' Agent, the Veterans' Graves Officer,
Veterans' Burial Agent and Director of Veterans' Services.
Motion made by Jones with second by Flynn.  Motion carried 5-0.  
Motion 3/14/95.5: move to reappoint Dana Larsen to a term
expiring March 31, 1996 as the Town's Assistant Veterans' Agent.
Motion made by Jones with second by Flynn.  Motion carried 5-0.

VI. Capital Improvement Committee Report: MaryLou Sutter and
Larry Morrill came to explain the 2 page handout "Town of Hanson
Six Year Capital Improvement Program dated 13-Mar-95".  Fiscal
years 1996 through 2001 covered with various projects for the
Town departments plugged in.  FY96 proposed total - $236,000 with
items proposed for the Highway Department: trucks, tools and gas
tank replacement; a space study feasibility study for Town
buildings; police radios and copier; and fire Hurst tool, SCBA
package, and radio equipment.  Water Department information is
listed but is not included in the budget total from Capital
Improvement.  Water Department issues are kept separate since
Water monies are separate from taxation monies.  Kuchinski voiced
strong concern that no monies were ear-marked for the Factory
Pond Dam noted as a Selectmen's request from the 1994 Capital
Improvement Plan and slated to receive $75,000 engineering study
consideration in FY96 planning.  Sutter noted that priorities
change year to year and that information was not supplied to the
Committee on the Dam issue.  Morrill indicated he had the
information and Kuchinski noted that last year the Committee was
told the reports were in the Selectmen's office and the
Conservation Commission office. Jones asked for a list of the
priorities from the CIC: commitments from prior years - police
radios, fire SCBA bottles, tire changing tool for highway, radio
equipment for the new fire apparatus, space study, highway 1 ton
truck, hurst tool, police copy machine, 3 snow plow blades,
drainage and 2.5 ton truck for highway department.  Discussion
occurred on Highway Chapter 90 funds and possibility that funds
could be used for drainage and needed equipment.  Discussion on
additional funding for more highway work - Harris no in favor of
a debt exclusion this year.  It was reported that he would do
more work within the Chapter 90 funds ($214,000) expected.  The
Town By-law requires the CIC to submit its report to the
Selectmen and FinCom for consideration.  After discussion and any
changes, the Board of Selectmen then submits to Town Meeting the
capital improvement plan approved by the Board of Selectmen.
Motion 3/14/95.6: move to accept the submitted capital
improvement report as given as the capital plan of the Board of
Selectmen.  Motion made by Frisoli with second for discussion by
Murdoch.  WITHDRAWN.

VII. 175th Parade Permit: Lila Coyle presented her parade route
for Sunday, September 24, 1995: assemble at Plymouth County
Hospital turn right down High Street to Route 58 pass the Town
Hall and disperse at the Indian Head School with reviewing stand
to be at the Town Hall. Motion 3/14/95.7: move to issue Parade
Permit as described and reserve the Town Hall grounds for Sunday
September 24, 1995 for reviewing stand.  Motion made by Murdoch
with second by Flynn.  Motion carried 4-0-1 (Kuchinski).

VIII. Warrant - May's Annual Town Meeting: Motion 3/14/95.8: move
to close the Warrant for the Annual Town Meeting.   Motion made
by Murdoch  with second by Flynn.  Motion carried 5-0.

IX. Minutes:  Motion 3/14/95.9: move to accept the minutes of
February 28, 1995 as revised by Kuchinski and the Minutes of
March 7, 1995.  Motion made by Murdoch with second by Jones.
Motion carried 5-0.

X. Horace Atwood: requested time to (1) request the Route 58
company repair the damage done along 58 - that Todesca be made to
loam and reseed properly; (2) request reason why Selectmen allow
monies to be charged for burning permit.  Board was able to read
a section from the applicable General By-law on open burning
permit which has fee charged under MGL.

XI. Finance Committee / School Budget: members of the FinCom
wanted to discuss the School Department's assessment figures
requested by the Region. As currently presented, the Region is
requesting an 8% increase which would require Hanson to fund an
additional $216,000 over monies budgeted last year. Region citing
rising fixed costs including special education.  Sutter brings
this matter to the attention of the Board of Selectmen because
FinCom desires a united approach on this budget item.
Differences in terminology appear evident when discussing fixed
costs for towns and for the region.  It is noted that if the
Towns were to level fund at the FY94-95 level, there is still a
5% increase included in the school budget - that 5% comes from
state monies.  Hanson and Whitman have explained the position of
the Towns to the Region.  A graph showing growth of Town budgets
and School budgets over FY92 - FY96 show 11% growth for Town
budgets and 49% growth for school budget.  FINCOM noted that
presently the Town is in the "hole" for $80,000 for FY96
budgeting due to the South Shore VoTech high assessment notice
recently received.  Sutter to redraft his proposed letter and
Selectmen would review at the Saturday meeting for departments to
listen to the Water presentation.

XII. Action Requests: (1) Frisoli questioned Gomez on the
procedure for crediting for returned box of lights ($628). Gomez
showed where it appears (in Ex. Sec. line) on the variance sheet
but acknowledges a correct must take place - belongs under Town
buildings or such.   (2) Frisoli questioned high amounts for
salary in February for Highway Surveyor and the full-time
firefighter lines - payroll advances due to vacation pay paid
upfront.  (3) Frisoli noted that EMT-1 stipend monies may have
been allocated, but cannot be expended until Town is certified.
(4) Frisoli and Gomez discussed pro-active stance on budgeting in
light of $900 remaining in the fire department overtime line.
(5) Kuchinski noted Hanson Boy Scout Troop Senior leaders Mike
Means and Kevin Cohen are requesting the Board of Selectmen,
Conservation Commission and Board of Health approval of their
Troop Service Project to clean up trash and burn brush here at
the Town Hall and the Smith-Nawazelski Conservation Area on April
1, 1995.   Board agreed idea a fine project and directed a letter
be sent to the Boy Scouts thanking them in advance for doing the
project.    (6) Kuchinski asked for more information on the
Plymouth County Housing Consortium, of which Hanson Housing
Authority is a member.  Nugent noted that the office has received
Hanson Housing's request for a letter of support so that the
Consortium could show local support in their portfolio for
upcoming grant applications.  Motion 3/14/95.10: move that Nugent
draft a letter from the Board of Selectmen supporting the Housing
Authority participation in Plymouth County Consortium and their
application for project funding.  Motion by Kuchinski with second
by Murdoch.  Motion carried 4-0-1 (Jones wanting more information
and to see the letter).  (7) Frisoli brought a missing figure to
Nugent's attention on the FAST Grant folder - Nugent to clarify
for the next meeting.  (8) Jones noted that Nugent, Flynn, Jones,
Kuchinski and Marini presented the Town Flag to the Governor on
short notice last week.  (9) Water Commissioner Dahlberg
requested public be informed of the Town Department 9AM meeting
on Saturday at the Library for further information on the Well
site progress.

XIII. Executive Secretary Report: (1) Nugent to check on the
outside flag situation - why is it not flying?   (2) Acceptance
of Roads: Planning Board is awaiting report of costs and other
defects to accepting 19 roads.  Final draft to Town Meeting may
have fewer roads on the list. (3) clarification that the Library
revolving fund account article is on the warrant. (4) Auditors -
miscommunication on the date - Thevenin to appear on March 28th.

XIV. Performance Evaluation: Selectmen need to turn in Chief and
Executive Secretary evaluations to Frisoli for computations and
review with employees.  Frisoli believes that the range of
proposed pay range needs to be adjusted for the fiscal times.  He
would like to see the scale moved down to get in line with the
times. Murdoch believes that there is a mechanism in place in the
instrument that addresses the issue, albeit it takes time to see
it work.  Kuchinski believed a compromise might be to raise the
number of points necessary to receive the different ratings (i.e.
instead of 27 points to reach a 4% raise, that raise to be earned
by reaching 32 points).  No conclusion reached.

XII. Adjournment: Saturday, March 18 at 9AM - town meeting at
Library/Senior Center for the Water Department presentation.
Motion 3/14/95.11: move to adjourn. Motion made by Kuchinski with
second by Murdoch.  Motion carried 5-0. Adjourned at 11:12pm.